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The CSSS Seminar features local and visiting scholars presenting current research at the intersection of statistics and the social sciences.

Seminars are held on Wednesdays from 12:30-1:30 pm in room SAV 409 during an academic year. Seminars are available to anyone interested and are being presented in a hybrid format.

To attend a seminar virtually, please register here.  An email with login information will be sent to you upon registration. 

Graduate students pursuing a CSSS track may receive credit by enrolling in CS&SS 590.

Questions? Contact CSSS (

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Future Seminars

Title Speaker Time
When AI Outlistens Experts: Large Language Models as Tools for Verbal Autopsy Analysis Abraham D. Flaxman, Associate Professor, Dept. of Health Metrics Sciences, University of Washington
Using Regression to Select Qualitative Cases to Trace Population Processes Danya Lagos, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, UC Berkeley
Political Economy of the Ordinal Society Marion Fourcade, Professor, UC Berkeley
Adaptive Hypotheses for Theory Testing and Theory Building Molly Offer-Westort, Assistant Proffessor, University of Chicago
Null Regions: A Unified Conceptual Framework for Statistical Inference Yuichi Shoda, Professor of Psychology, University of Washington

Past Seminars

Title Speaker Date
Robustly Estimating Heterogeneity in Factorial Data Using Rashomon Partitions Tyler McCormick, Professor, Statistics & Sociology, University of Washington
Concordia: Advancing the Cooperative Intelligence of Language Agents Minsuk Chang, Research Scientist, Google Deepmind
Does AI Help Humans Make Better Decisions? A Statistical Evaluation Framework for Experimental and Observational Studies Eli Ben-Michael, Assistant Professor of Statistics and Public Policy
Gender Divergence in the Values Around Cohabitation in China: A Tale of “Two Generations” June Yang, Research Scientist, CSDE and eScience Institute
CS&SS Open House - Ask Me Anything
Close: An Interactive, Multi-Modal Travel Time Map Nat Henry, Henry Spatial Analysis
Polygenic Risk Scores for The Management of Common Chronic Conditions: The Latest Genetic Hammer in Search of a Nail? Malia Fullerton, Bioethics & Humanities, UW
Providing the pieces to the puzzle: Translating population, mortality burden, and effectiveness to potential impact of mass drug administration of antibiotics on child mortality Anu Mishra, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Uncertainty Quantification and Calibration in Language Models Karl Pazdernik, Senior Data Scientist, PNNL
Ideological Segregation in a Politically Diverse Community: Evidence from China Dafeng Xu, Evans School of Public Policy and Governance, UW
Opening Microsoft Data for Social Good: privacy-preserving technologies unlocking powerful social insights Mayana Pereira, Microsoft
The Landscape of Lawmaking John D. Wilkerson, Political Science, UW
Striking the Right Balance: Why Standard Balance Tests Over-Reject the Null, and How to Fix It Jason Kerwin, Economics, UW
Deconvolution in Networks, with Applications to Worker-Firm Data Stephane Bonhomme
The Promise and Peril of State Administrative Data: An Example from an Evaluation of Low-Barrier Buprenorphine Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder Jason R Williams
Project NEXUS: Methodology and Results from a Survey of Underrepresented People Who Use Drugs: 9 U.S. Syringe Services Programs Sara Glick
Kaylea Champion, Chin-Wei Chen, & Nathan Welch + Graduating Student Awards
A latent Markov model with two parallel processes for modeling inter-generational exchanges Irini Moustaki
A discussion on transitioning from academia to industry Stephanie Lee & Lynette Shaw
Data science with communities in the loop Madeleine Daepp
Can we change “ideal worker” norms? The impact of workplace policies, composition, and post-pandemic culture Elizabeth Hirsh
Gender, Deliberation, and Natural Resource Governance: Experimental Evidence from Malawi Amanda Clayton
What is driving low rates of childhood vaccination in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)? Roy Burstein
Sugared fruit drinks as a sociobehavioral determinant of health in Alaska Native communities Donald Chi
Homogenizing the High Street: the Economic Cleansing of Minority Elites through Fiscal Discrimination Asli Cansunar
Imputing Race and Ethnicity in State Administrative Data: Challenges and Future Directions Lizzy Pelletier
Am I redundant? How AI will shape the Future of Work Shamsi T. Iqbal
Probabilistic Subnational Population Projections Hana Sevcikova
Data Science, Machine Learning, and Responsible AI: CSSS and Careers in Tech Trey Causey
Do Inclusionary Zoning Policies Affect Local Housing Markets? An Empirical Study in the United States Vince Wang
Agent-based modeling in women’s health: Building Fpsim Michelle O'Brien
What if I only care about L1 X-Y relations? Clustered data analytic options Elizabeth Sanders
Potential Impacts of Mass Nutritional Supplementation on Measles Dynamics: A Simulation Study Navideh Noori
Numerators and Denominators in Health Disparities Research: What linked Electronic Health Record and American Community Survey Data Reveal Barbara Entwisle
Cartoons, Captions, and Confidence Intervals Lalit Jain
Bayesian Resolution of Discrepant Self-Reported Network Ties Krista Gile
Estimating Global and Country-Specific Excess Mortality by Age and Sex During the COVID-19 Pandemic Jon Wakefield
Exploring the Effects of Item-Specific Factors in Tree-Based Item Response Models Weicong Lyu
Very Long-Term Probabilistic Population Projections for Assessing the Social Cost of Carbon Adrian Raftery
Correcting for misclassification bias in cause-specific mortality estimates Abhi Datta, Johns Hopkins
How to think clearly about the central limit theorem Oscar Olvera Astivia
Inference on Winners Isaiah Andrews, Harvard
How Biased are Observational Methods in Practice? Accumulating Evidence Using Randomised Controlled Trials with Imperfect Compliance Gharad Bryan, LSE
CSSS Graduating PhD Student Highlights
Effect of an opt-out point-of-care HIV-1 nucleic acid testing intervention to detect acute and prevalent HIV infection in symptomatic adult outpatients and reduce HIV transmission in Kenya: The Tambua Mapema Plus Study Susan Graham
Regulating Ethics: The Status and Stakes of Institutional Ethical Review for the Social Sciences Rebecca Tapscott
Bayesian methods for inferring the history of languages [Virtual] Robin Ryder
When opportunity meets ability: The moderating effects of prolific inventors on novel drug innovation following product development failure in biotechnology [Hybrid] Amrita Lahiri
Opportunities in Everyday Technology Research for Children with Autism [Virtual Only] Frederick Shic
15 surgeons and 2 engineers: Adventures in "big" data and causal analyses to advance mobility for children with cerebral palsy [Hybrid] Kat Steele
"I will just have to keep driving": A Mixed-methods Investigation of Thai Motorcycle Rideshare Driver Responses to Poor Air Quality [Hybrid] Kurtis Heimerl
Disentangling confounding and nonsense associations due to dependence [Hybrid] Betsy Ogburn
Lessons being learned from an open-source causal AI suite [Hybrid] Emre Kiciman
Toss the bathwater, keep the baby: how p-values can still be useful Chloe Krakauer
Data analysis tools for statistical non-experts [Hybrid] Eunice Jun
Transforming Experimental Neural Functioning Variables into FDA Validated Biomarkers [Hybrid] Sara Jane Webb
Modeling Spatially Correlated Survival Data and their Applications [Hybrid] Prince Allotey, Statistics, University of Washington
Recasting the Debate on SARS-CoV-2 Origins in Bayesian Terms [Virtual Only] Tasha Fairfield, International Development, The London School of Economics and Political Science
The Benefits and Challenges of Large-Scale Studies that Rely on Mobile Technology: Lessons learned over 15 years [Virtual Only] Pat Areán, Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, University of Washington
Leading or following?: (non)correspondence between media and user frame networks on YouTube channels of right-wing news organizations [Hybrid] Yuan Hsiao, Communication, University of Washington
Generalized difference-in-differences models: Robust Bounds [Hybrid] Désiré Kédagni, Economics, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
Randomized Regulation: The impact of minimum quality standards on health markets [Hybrid] Jishnu Das, McCourt School of Public Policy and the Walsh School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University
CSSS End-of-Year Ceremony and 2022-2023 Course Overview (Virtual Only)
Gendered Language Owen Ozier , Economics, Williams College
Quantifying Racial Bias in Policing with Imperfect Data Dean Knox, Statistics and Data Science, University of Pennsylvania
Two High-Profile Examples of Selection Bias (This Seminar is Virtual-Only) Qingyuan Zhao, Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics, University of Cambridge
Using Multitask Gaussian Processes to Estimate the Effect of a Targeted Effort to Remove Firearms Avi Feller, Public Policy and Statistics, University of California - Berkeley
The Effect of Income on Educational Outcomes: The Nonlinear and Heterogeneous Effects of a Continuous Treatment Ian Lundberg, Sociology, UCLA
Geometric Inference Via Graph Laplacians Dena Asta, Statistics, Ohio State University
Health Certification in Sex Markets: A Field Experiment in Dakar, Senegal Shanthi Manian, Economics, Washington State University
Non-Random Exposure to Exogenous Shocks Peter Hull, Economics, Brown University
Study Designs to Estimate Policy Effects: Applications to COVID-19 and Opioid Policies Elizabeth Stuart, Statistics, Johns Hopkins
Bridging Matching, Regression, and Weighting as Mathematical Programs for Causal Inference José R. Zubizarreta, Statistics, Harvard
Assessing Differences in Legislators’ Revealed Preferences: Testing Sharp Hypotheses in Latent Spaces Abel Rodriguez, Statistics, UW
Leaders' Role in Technology Adoption: Evidence from Mobile Banking in Ghana Emma Riley, Economics, UW
Total Causal Effects in MPDAGs: Identification and Minimal Enumeration Ema Perkovic, Statistics, UW
Racial Disparities in Mortality During the 1918 Influenza Pandemic in United States Cities Elizabeth Wrigley-Field, Sociology, University of Minnesota
Identifying the Latent Space Geometry of Network Models Through Analysis of Curvature Tyler McCormick , Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences, UW
Uncovering College Effect Heterogeneity Jennie Brand, Sociology, UCLA
Uniform Inference on Conditional Treatment Effects in Difference-in-Differences Designs Pedro Sant'Anna, Office of the Chief Economist, Microsoft
Black-White Disparities in National Institutes of Health Grant Review Scores Carole Lee, Philosophy, UW
No seminar First week of quarter
The Impact of U.S.-China Tensions on U.S. Science Molly Roberts, Political Science, UC San Diego
How parochial are we really? Matching methods to questions to better characterize human sociality Anne Pisor, Anthropology, Washington State University
No Seminar Day before Thanksgiving
Gender, Violence, and Triage: Complainant Identity and Criminal Justice in India Nirvikar Jassal, King Center on Global Development, Stanford
Technology and the State: Building Tax Capacity via Text Isabelle Cohen, Evans School, University of Washington
A cautionary note on the use of the third-order polynomial method in simulation studies Oscar Olvera Astivia, College of Education, University of Washington
Transparent and Robust Causal Inference in the Social and Health Sciences Carlos Cinelli, Statistics, University of Washington
Artificial Intelligence for Social Good: When Machines Learn Human-like Biases from Data Aylin Caliskan, Information School, University of Washington
You Said, They Said: A Framework on Informant Accuracy with Application to Studying Self-Reports and Peer-Reports of Adolescent Smoking Weihua An, Sociology, Emory University
Generic Machine Learning Inference on Heterogenous Treatment Effects in Randomized Experiments Victor Chernozhukov, Economics, MIT
No seminar First day of quarter
CSSS End-of-Year Ceremony and 2021-2022 Course Overview
Uncovering dehumanization with computational linguistics: a case study of LGBTQ representation in the New York Times Julia Mendelsohn (she/her), School of Information, University of Michigan
Policy Voting in Elections: Field Experimental Evidence from 12.8 Million Voters in 82 Congressional Districts Josh Kalla (Pronouns: He/Him/His), Political Science and Data Science, Assistant Professor, Yale University
Qualified Quantification & the Human Remains Trade: Computational Methods to See the People Behind the Price Tags Dr. Damien Huffer (pronouns: he/him/his), History, Carleton University, Ottowa, ON, Canada
Pattern graphs: a graphical approach to nonmonotone missing data Yen-Chi Chen, Assistant Professor, Statistics, University of Washington
No Seminar
CSSS End-of-Year Ceremony and 2020-2021 Course Preview

The CSSS Seminar features local and visiting scholars presenting current research at the intersection of statistics and the social sciences.

Seminars are held on Wednesdays from 12:30-1:30 pm during an academic year. Seminars are available to anyone interested and are presented in a hybrid format.

To attend a seminar virtually, please register here.  An email with login information will be sent to you upon registration. 

To join in-person in Savery 409, please register here prior to attending. 

Graduate students pursuing a CSSS track may receive credit by enrolling in CS&SS 590.

Sign up for our mailing list below to hear announcements of upcoming seminar speakers. Questions? Contact CSSS (