CSSS Core Faculty elected officers of the American Statistical Association
Three CSSS core faculty members have been elected officers to the American Statistical Association for 2021.
Prof. Elena Erosheva (Statistics and Social Work, and CSSS Associate Director) was elected Program Chair-Elect of the Social Statistics Section. The section “seeks to advance research in social statistics, both in areas which involve the use of methods that involve statistical inquiry, and in those which involve the use of statistical data and the development of statistical measurement.”
Prof. Adrian Dobra (Statistics and Nursing, Graduate Chair for CSSS, and Director of the UW's Master of Science in Data Science program) was elected Secretary/Treasurer for Section on Bayesian Statistical Science (SBSS). The SBSS aims “to encourage research on theory and methods of statistical inference and decision making associated with Bayes' theorem and to encourage the application and proper use of Bayesian procedures in the behavioral, biological, managerial, engineering, environmental, legal, medical, pharmaceutical, physical, and social sciences.”
Prof. Tyler McCormick, (Statistics and Sociology, and Senior Data Science Fellow at the eScience Institute) was elected Program Chair-Elect to the Business and Economics Section. This section provides a forum for statisticians interested in analytic research on current business problems and economic forecasting.
Congratulations to all three! And thank you for taking on positions of leadership in the ASA.