Dr. David Hsu is an Associate Professor of Urban and Environmental Planning at MIT and is currently serving as a Strategic Planner at the U.S. Department of Energy.Hsu completed the Urban Design…
Welcome to the Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences’ 2nd annual newsletter.CSSS turned 25 this year! We held a two-day celebration conference in May 2024. It was wonderful to see so many…
Dr. Sabrina Bonaparte is a Business Program Manager at Microsoft, and a passionate non-profit volunteer and leader. Bonaparte completed the Sociology CSSS track during her PhD at the University…
The Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences (CSSS) is proud to present three incoming University of Washington PhD students who were awarded the 2024 Blalock Fellowship. The new fellows will be…
With Seattle experiencing first few days of Autumn-like weather, we are excited to start the new academic year 2024-25!We extend our gratitude to the students and many affiliate faculty who helped us…
Dr. Mark Wheldon is a Population Affairs Officer at the United Nations (UN). Wheldon completed his PhD at the University of Washington (UW) in 2013 with the CSSS track in Statistics. Throughout…
The Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences (CSSS) provides an annual one-week math camp to review/introduce mathematics, probability, and R in order to help prepare students for statistical…
On August 9th, CSSS co-hosted a conference to celebrate the career of Adrian Raftery, the founding Director of CSSS. The day-long event, held in the Walker-Ames room of Kane Hall, featured scientific…
The 2024 Joint Statistical Meetings took place in Portland, Oregon this past week and featured the session "The Frontier of Statistics and the Social Science: Celebrating 25 Years of CS&SS." This…
We are happy to introduce new affiliates joining this past year:Karen Chen, Department of Urban Design & PlanningIsabelle Cohen, Evans School of Public Policy and GovernanceRichard Guo,…
Trey Causey, CSSS alumni and the Head of Responsible AI and Senior Director of Data Science at Indeed, was featured in the June 28th edition of the College of Arts & Sciences Perspectives…
CSSS celebrated our 25th Anniversary in May with a two-day conference featuring visiting and local friends, alumni, and scholars. We are thankful that so many people could join us for the celebration…
Friday May 18th events took place in UW’s Intellectual House, starting with opening remarks by Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs Tricia Serio, and boasting more than 150…
The Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences is proud to recognize PhD students who have completed the respective tracks in their PhD Programs. This year, we congratulated 13 students from the…
Dr. Leontine Alkema is a professor of biostatistics at the University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) School of Public Health & Health Sciences.
Alkema received her PhD in Statistics at the…
Juliann Li Verdugo, a Social Welfare PhD student and one of three CSSS 2023-24 Blalock Fellows, was recognized as one of the Husky 100 undergraduate and graduate students who are making the most of…
The CSSS 25th Anniversary Conference is approaching! Attending the conference is free, but advance registration for the events is required.
Please complete our registration form HERE.
The event…
Congratulations to Dr. Michael Pearce, Statistics and CSSS alum, who is the winner of the 2024 Distinguished Dissertation Award from the Classification Society. His dissertation title is "Methods for…
Dr. John Ahlquist is the associate dean and a professor at the School of Global Policy and Strategy at the University of California San Diego (UCSD), and director of the school’s Pacific…
Congratulations to Erin Lipman and Jess Kunke on receiving Best Student Paper Awards from the American Statistical Association!
Erin Lipman, advised by CSSS affiliate…
Dr. Junfeng Jiao is an associate professor in the Community and Regional Planning Program at The University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin).
He is the founding director of Urban Information Lab…
The Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences is celebrating our 25th anniversary with a two-day conference on May 16 & 17, 2024 that will bring together CSSS friends, alumni, current…
From the beginning of the COVID pandemic in March 2020 through the summer of 2021, a team of UW researchers led by CSSS professor Christopher Adolph provided the public with detailed data on state…
Dr. Siobhán Mattison is an associate professor of Anthropology at the University of New Mexico and director of the Human Family and Evolutionary Demography Lab.
She recently served as a …
With the beginning of a new academic year 2023-2024, and our week-long Math Camp coming to an end, we are excited to share the latest happenings and new faces and new roles within CSSS!
We have…
The Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences (CSSS) is proud to present three incoming University of Washington PhD students who were awarded the 2023 Blalock Fellowship. The new fellows will be…
CSSS Director and professor of Statistics and Social Work, Elena Erosheva, and CSSS affiliates Carole Lee (Philosophy) and Jevin West (Information School) co-authored a new study from the University…
Why do people think that just because something is “natural,” it is somehow better than things that are not natural?
When people talk about “age,” do they mean chronological age, or how old someone…
CSSS core faculty member Tyler McCormick and his collaborator Li Liu at Johns Hopkins University have received a five-year R01 award from the National Institutes of Health to improve…
Graduate students from three advanced CSSS statistics courses presented their final course projects to the UW community on Monday, June 5, from 3-5 p.m. in HUB 334.
The three classes presenting at…
SEATLLE - Dr. Adrian Raftery, founding director and faculty affiliate of the Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences at UW, has with three colleagues published a book on model-based clustering…
The Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences is proud to recognize PhD students who have completed the respective tracks in their PhD Programs. This year, we will congratulate 15 students from…
Matrix algebra. Derivatives. Writing code and making tables in R. For many graduate students in social sciences, especially those returning to college after some years away, the more quantitative…
Graduate students on the CSSS track who are finishing PhDs this year will present their research at a seminar on Wednesday, April 26, at 12:30 p.m. in Savery Hall room 409.
Students who are…
We are pleased to announce that CSSS core faculty Tyler McCormick and Adrian Dobra have been elected as 2023 Fellows of the American Statistical Association (ASA).
Dobra was selected for…
The Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences is co-sponsoring the Workshop on Optimal Transport and Econometrics, co-hosted by the Department of Economics at UW and the Kantorovich Initiative.…
SEATTLE, WA – The Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences (CSSS) is proud to present the four deserving PhD students from the University of Washington (UW) who were awarded the Blalock…
SEATTLE, WA - The UW’s Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Elena Erosheva as the new director of the center. Dr. Erosheva joined the UW and the…
Thomas Richardson, an affiliate faculty and former director of CSSS, is a co-winner of the first Rousseeuw Prize for Statistics. As part of a long-standing team of collaborators together…
Founding CSSS director Adrian Raftery, CSSS senior research scientist Hana Ševčíková, and their colleague Bernard W. Silverman have recently published an article in the R Journal titled, "The…
Graduate students newly admitted to University of Washington (UW) departments with CSSS PhD tracks, and who demonstrate interest and motivation for cutting-edge quantitative research in their field…
We are pleased to announce that Elena Erosheva, Professor of Statistics and Social Work, has been elected as a Fellow of the American Statistical Association (ASA).
ASA Fellows …
The grant review process at NIH yields systematic Black-white disparities in funding success. This observation has led to calls for reforms to the NIH review process in order to eliminate biases in…
A new Special Topics course will be offered Autumn 2020, titled Statistics and Philosophy of Voting. The undergraduate section is offered as STAT 498, and a graduate section is…
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is the largest biomedical funder in the world. The R01 grant mechanism is their original and oldest grant mechanism. The peer review process used to…
Three CSSS core faculty members have been elected officers to the American Statistical Association for 2021.
Prof. Elena Erosheva (Statistics and Social Work, and CSSS Associate Director) was…
Charles "Chuck" Lanfear has been awarded an Excellence in Teaching Award. This award recognizes stellar teaching by graduate students.
Chuck is a Ph.D…
CSSS core faculty member and Associate Professor of Political Science, Chris Adolph, has been leading a team investigating the effects of partisan politics on the implementation of social…
CSSS core faculty member and Associate Professor of Statistics and Sociology Tyler McCormick has been awarded a National Institutes of Health (NIH) Director’s New Innovator Award.…
On May 23 and 24, 2019, the Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences (CSSS) celebrated our 20th year anniversary by hosting a conference open to everyone wanting to learn about state of the art…
Prof. Kate Stovel (Sociology) has been awarded a two-year NSF grant titled Echo Chambers in Science? The Impact of Academic Recommender Systems on the Dissemination of Scientific Knowledge.
Prof. Benjamin Mako Hill (Communication) has been awarded a grant from the National Science Foundation. The four year collaborative project.
Measuring the Value of Anonymous Online Participation…
Prof. Adrian Dobra (Statistics, Nursing, CSSS core faculty) and co-investigator and CSSS affiliate Prof. Nathalie Williams (Sociology, International Studies) have been awarded an NSF grant titled ATD…
This summer brings a change of leadership to CSSS. Beginning July 1, Prof. Darryl Holman (Anthropology) will be the director of CSSS.
Prof. Holman has been deeply involved in CSSS since he arrived…
Prof. Tyler McCormick (Statistics, Sociology, CSSS core faculty) has been awarded a five-year subcontract on a NIH grant titled Verbal Autopsy: Reimagining Data & Automated Cause Assignment (…
Adrian Raftery, professor of statistics and sociology at the University of Washington, received Ireland’s St. Patrick’s Day Medal for his diverse contributions to the field of statistics.
The honor…
Prof. Erosheva (Statistics and Social Work) and Prof. Lee (Philosophy) have been awarded a contract from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to explore possible racial disparities in the NIH…
Adrian Raftery and his colleagues have published a new paper in PNAS that introduces a latent space model for bipartite networks and uses this model to analyze the temporal evolution of the network…
Three CSSS affiliated researchers, Jon Azose, Hana Ševčíková, and Adrian Raftery have published new research in the Proceedings of the American Academy of Sciences that for the first time…
CSSS Affiliate Ross Matsueda has been named the 2016 winner of the American Society of Criminology's most prestigious award, the Sutherland Award. This award "recognizes outstanding contributions to…
Jon Azose won a Poster Award for his poster on Including Migration Uncertainty in Probabilistic Population Projections at the Population Association of America's 2016 Annual Meeting.
This poster was…
Eight faculty joined CSSS as affiliates this fall:
Callie Burt, Sociology
Yejin Choi, Computer Science and Engineering
Joseph Dieleman, Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation
Carole Lee,…
Adrian Raftery's research on population projections is featured in a recent documentary about demography, shown on German national TV (ZDF/3sat). The documentary can be seen at: Umstrittene Prognosen…
Peter Hoff has been awarded an NSF-DMS grant for his project "Theory and Methods for Dependent Tensor Data".
Elena Erosheva’s paper, "Social Networks of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Older Adults," will appear in the journal, Research on Aging.
CSSS affiliates Hana Sevcikova and Daniela Witten have been identified as among the top five female R package authors and maintainers in the world. http://sctyner.github.io/503HW1.html
Peter Hoff’s paper, "Multilinear tensor regression for longitudinal relational data" will appear in the (upcoming) September issue of Annals of Applied Statistics. This article presents a method of…
Ting Wang, CSSS graduate student from the School of Education, has been awarded a NSF Doctoral Dissertation Award for her research on the impact of item sequencing in science tests.
Peter Hoff's tutorial for the 'amen' package, which combines social relations covariance model with low-rank latent factor models, is now available http://arxiv.org/abs/1506.08237
CSSS Affiliate Ross Matsueda (Sociology) has been elected to the Washington State Academy of Sciences. This is the highest academic honor awarded in our state.
Congratulations, Ross!
Math camp is designed for social science graduate students interested in pursuing a quantitatively oriented-research career.
The event will take place September 14-18, 2015 from 9:00am - 4:00pm.
CSSS Core Faculty member Tyler McCormick received a K01 NIH Career Development Award
Graduate Student Travel Grants, Deadline: April 17, 2015 For more information go to http://www.csss.washington.edu/ResearchPresentationGrants/
Call for Applications. Deadline: November 10, 2014
Congratulations to Maryclare Griffin whose paper, "Assessing Feasibility of Respondent Driven Sampling Using Pilot Data with an Application to Older Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Adults" has been…
Aaron Erlich and Dan Berliner's paper, Competing for Transparency: Political Competition and Institutional Reform in Mexican States began as a final project in their CSSS Event History Class. It has…
First Prize winner in the category of Most Creative Idea for Detection of Bias in Peer Review, 2014 America Competes Act Challenge
Erosheva's award winning collaboration highlighted in A&S Perspectives
2013 Mitchell Prize from the ISBA for Modeling Criminal Careers as Departures from a Unimodal Population Age-crime Curve: The Case of Marijuana Use (with others). This prize is awarded to an…
World population stabilization unlikely this century paper coauthored by CSSS Founding Director Adrian Raftery and Hana Sevcikova

CSSS Director Elena Erosheva and her collaborator Carole Lee, Department of Philosophy. Photo Credit: Isaiah Brookshire