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Determining the Effects of Teacher Education on P-12 Learning: Some Conceptual Issues

As one of 11 Teachers for a New Era (TNE) sites around the country funded by the Carnegie Foundation in collaboration with other foundations, the UW will need to draw on its best thinking to establish a system for evaluating the performance of graduates who teach in P-12 schools. The system must include evidence of P- 12 student learning.

The TNE project is in part a response to a long-standing controversy about the contribution of university-based teacher education to teachers' effectiveness, as measured by students' standardized achievement test scores. Creating a data system on teacher-graduates' performance is also critical to inform UW programs on how to improve the preparation of teachers. This talk will explore some of the issues, concerns, and models for determining the effects of university-based preparation on teacher performance and solicit ideas for how to build such a data system.
