Yuan Hsiao
Speaker Details
Presentation Date: 5/17/2024
Session: Discussant, Morning Scientific Session - Advances in Social Network Analysis
Yuan Hsiao is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication at the University of Washington. His major research explores the intersection of political communication, social media, and social networks. He is particularly interested in bringing a social network perspective to understanding a variety of communication and social processes, such as how networks on social media contribute to protest mobilization, how social interactions shape the production of misinformation and public opinion, how spatial and social relationships affect the spread of religion, or how community networks affect health behavior. He then combines multiple sources of data, such as “big” digital data, survey experiments, or historical archives, to glean insight into general theoretical processes. His work spans the disciplines of communication, sociology, political science, and public health, and he is deeply interested in inter-disciplinary dialogues. Yuan Hsiao's website.