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Sasha Johfre


Assistant Professor, Sociology


My research considers the creation and consequences of social categories, including those related to gender, race, age, and bodies. I focus on developing conceptual tools such that people can more responsibly study and engage in social processes. This interest has applications to methodology, where I am interested in developing more theoretically informed and empirically useful approaches to measuring human difference, including through measuring multiple dimensions of seemingly singular constructs. It also has implications for sociological theory, where I am broadly interested in the ways that culture conceptualizes some concepts as natural, as well as to empirical studies of inequality.


And here’s a list of publications:


· Johfre, Sasha, and Aliya Saperstein. 2023. “The Social Construction of Age: Concepts and Measurement.” Annual Review of Sociology, Volume 49.

· Freese, Jeremy, and Sasha Johfre. 2022. “Binary Contrasts for Unordered Polytomous Regressors.” Stata Journal 22(1), 125-133.

· Johfre, Sasha, Saperstein, Aliya, and Jill A. Hollenbach. 2021. “Measuring Race and Ancestry in the Age of Genetic Testing.” Demography, 58(3), 785-810.

· Johfre, Sasha, and Jeremy Freese. 2021. “Reconsidering the Reference Category.” Sociological Methodology, 51(2), 253–269.

· Johfre, Sasha. 2020. “What Age is in a Name?” Sociological Science, 7: 367-390.

· Johnson-Freyd, Sasha, & Jennifer Freyd. 2013. “Revenge and Forgiveness or Betrayal Blindness?” Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 36:23-24. (Invited commentary.)

· Johnson-Freyd, Sasha. 2011. “Direct Paternal Care and Aggression: an Empirical Exploration Using the Standard Cross-Cultural Sample.” Journal of Aggression, Conflict, and Peace Research, 3:162-172.