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The CSSS Seminar features local and visiting scholars presenting current research at the intersection of statistics and the social sciences.

Seminars are held on Wednesdays from 12:30-1:30 pm in room SAV 409 during an academic year. Seminars are available to anyone interested and are being presented in a hybrid format.

To attend a seminar virtually, please register here.  An email with login information will be sent to you upon registration. 

Graduate students pursuing a CSSS track may receive credit by enrolling in CS&SS 590.

Questions? Contact CSSS (

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Future Seminars

Title Speaker Time
When AI Outlistens Experts: Large Language Models as Tools for Verbal Autopsy Analysis Abraham D. Flaxman, Associate Professor, Dept. of Health Metrics Sciences, University of Washington
Using Regression to Select Qualitative Cases to Trace Population Processes Danya Lagos, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, UC Berkeley
Political Economy of the Ordinal Society Marion Fourcade, Professor, UC Berkeley
Adaptive Hypotheses for Theory Testing and Theory Building Molly Offer-Westort, Assistant Proffessor, University of Chicago
Null Regions: A Unified Conceptual Framework for Statistical Inference Yuichi Shoda, Professor of Psychology, University of Washington

Past Seminars

Title Speaker Date
Assessing Attitude Strength Using the Audio from Open-Ended Questions From Telephone, In-Person, and Online Surveys Bryce J. Dietrich, Assistant Professor of Social Science Informatics, Social Science Informatics, University of Iowa
Revealing the concealed gender gap in the economic value of higher education; USA 1980-2017 Hadas Mandel, Head and Professor of the Department of Anthropology and Sociology; Assaf Rotman, Post-doctoral Researcher, Anthropology and Sociology, Tel Aviv University
Empirical Bayes for A/B testing and meta-analysis: a spectral approach Richard Guo, PhD candidate, Statistics, University of Washington
Technical and statistical issues in wastewater-based drug epidemiology Jason R Williams, Research Scientist, Alcohol & Drug Abuse Institute, University of Washington
When the Rivers Run Backwards: Field studies and statistical analyses of an indigenous social movement in northern Coclé province, Republic of Panama, in the face of a planned Panama Canal expansion Nina Müller-Schwarze, Temporary Part-Time Lecturer (UW) and Senior Research Fellow (Southern Food and Beverage Museum), University of Washington; Precarity; Southern Food and Beverage Museum, New Orleans
Instead of Just Teaching Data Science, Let’s Understand How and Why People Do It Rebecca Nugent, Stephen E. and Joyce Fienberg Professor of Statistics & Data Science, Statistics & Data Science, Carnegie Mellon University
Introduction to the Spring 2020 CSSS Seminar Series William Brown, Temporary Full-time Lecturer, Statistics and the Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences, University of Washington
Hindered Growth Moshe Elitzur, University of California, Berkeley and University of Kentucky
Informed Outbreak Response: Adaptive Strategies to Account for Behavior and Context in Containing Ebola Laura Skrip, Postdoctoral Research Scientist, Institute for Disease Modeling
Turning Polity Upside Down Michael D. Ward, Political Science, Duke University and the University of Washington, Predictive Heuristics; Duke University; University of Washington
Laboratories of Democratic Backsliding: Measuring and Testing Democratic Performance in the U.S. States Jacob M. Grumbach, Political Science, University of Washington
Identifying Signatures of Selection in Archaeological Sequences Ben Marwick, Anthropology, University of Washington
Not all that wiggle are LOESS: Archaeological detection of multimillennial population dynamics using proportionate juvenility indexes and radial basis function logistic regression William Brown, Statistics, University of Washington
Modeling Missing Data in Large-Scale Educational Assessments Chun Wang, College of Education, University of Washington
Rewriting Violence: Risk Effects and the Targeting of Journalists in Mexico's Criminal Conflict Cassy Dorff, Political Science and Data Science, Vanderbilt University
Three principles of data science: predictability, computability, and stability (PCS) Bin Yu, Departments of Statistics and EECS, University of California, Berkeley
Gotta' Have Money to Make Money? Theory and Evidence Linking Financial Need with The Bargaining Behavior of Microentrepreneurs Morgan Hardy, Economics, NYU Abu Dhabi
Bayesian Framework for Finding Relevant Macro Factors in Affine Term Structure Models Kyu Ho Kang, Economics, Korea University
CSSS/STAT Poster Session Darryl Holman, Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences
Finite mixture of regression modeling for exchange market pressures during the financial crisis: A robust Bayesian approach to variable selection Yi-Chi Chen, Department of Economics, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan
Continuous-time MCMC Paul Fearnhead, Statistics, Lancaster University
Bayesian finite mixture models in archaeological temporal frequency analysis (TFA) William Brown, Anthropology and CSSS, University of Washington
Correlated Random Effects as a Tool for Inferential Social Science Jeremy Koster, Anthropology, University of Cincinnati
We're Not Surprised You Didn't Notice That: Linguistic Surprisal and Misperception in Conversation Courtney Mansfield, Linguistics, University of Washington
Relative Risk and Risk Difference Regression as Alternatives to Logistic Regression Thomas Richardson, Statistics, Economics, Electrical Engineering, University of Washington
What Counts as Terrorism? An Examination of Terrorist Designations among U.S. Mass Shootings Emily Gade, eScience Institute and Department of Political Science, University of Washington
Mathematics of Gerrymandering Christopher Hoffman, Department of Mathematics, University of Washington
Data Analytics on Small and/or Large High-Dimensional Observations in Finance and Beyond - The Credit Research Initiative at the National University of Singapore Jinchuan Duan, NUS Business School, National University of Singapore
Is the Place of Residence Predictive of HIV Acquisition in Rural South Africa? Results from an Ongoing Population-based Cohort in KwaZulu-Natal Adrian Dobra, Statistics, Nursing, CSSS, University of Washington
Assessing Mortality Bias from Skeletal Markers Darryl Holman, Anthropology and CSSS, University of Washington
Bayesian and Heuristic Models of Human Causal Inference Colin Beam, Ursa Health
On the Top of World: Human Adaptation to High Altitude Abigail Bigham, Anthropology, University of Michigan
Pricing and Matching in Ride-Hailing Dawn Woodard, Uber
Risk assessment in Criminal Sentencing: Target Variable Bias and Disparate Impact Alexandra Chouldechova, Statistics and Public Policy, Carnegie Mellon University
Sleep-more in Seattle: Using circadian data to investigate sleep, academics, and behavior Gideon Dunster, Biology, University of Washington
The Generalizability of Heterogeneous Treatment Effect Estimates Across Samples Thomas Leeper, Political Science, London School of Economics
Distributed Multi-Level Matrix Completion for Medical Databases Julie Josse, Applied Math Department (CMAP), Professor of Statistics
Person-generated Data in Public Health and Beyond Rumi Chanara, New York University
Gender-Based Homophily in Scientific Collaborations Elena Erosheva, Statistics and Social Work, University of Washington
How Many Friends Do You Have? An Empirical Investigation into Censoring-Induced Bias in Social Network Data Alan Griffith, Economics, University of Washington
How to Make Causal Inferences Using Texts Brandon Stewart, Sociology, Princeton University
Record Linkage and Population Size Estimation for Counting Human Rights Violations Mauricio Sadinle, Biostatistics, University of Washington
Using Sampled Social Network Data to Estimate Adult Death Rates Dennis Feehan, Demography, UC Berkeley
Analyzing GPS Datasets using Density Ranking Yen-Chi Chen, Statistics, University of Washington
Rapid On-ramps to Reproducible Research for R Users Ben Marwick, Archaeology, University of Washington
Bayesian Age-Period-Cohort Models in Practice Andrea Riebler, Statistics, Norwegian University of Science at Technology
Inference in Increasing Dimension Fang Han, Statistics, University of Washington
Partial Identification in Moment Equality Models with Auxiliary D Yanqin Fan, Economics, University of Washington
How Sudden Censorship Can Increase Access to Information Molly Roberts, Political Science, University of California, San Diego
A Network Model for Dynamic Textual Communications with Application to Government Email Corpora Bruce Desmarais, Political Science, Pennsylvania State University
Inference for Social Network Models from Egocentrically-Sampled Data Pavel Krivitsky, School of Mathematics and Applied Statistics, University of Wollongong
Exploratory and Confirmatory Causal Inference for High Dimensional Interventions Justin Grimmer, Political Science, Stanford University
Using a Probabilistic Model to Assist Merging of Large-scale Administrative Records Kosuke Imai, Political Science, and the Center for Statistics and Machine Learning, Princeton University
Integrating Multiple Time Scales: A Framework Emerging at the Interface of Intraindividual Variability Modeling and Ecological Momentary Assessment Nilam Ram, Human Development and Family Studies, and Psychology, Pennsylvania State University
Pairwise difference approach for partially linear model: some real gains Fang Han, Statistics, University of Washington
Central Bank Transparency and the Performance of Market Expectations Caitlin Ainsley, Political Science, University of Washington
Measuring key drivers of parental concern about child health Davene Wright, Center for Child Health, Behavior and Development, Seattle Children's Hospital
Does the Match Matter? Exploring Whether Student Teaching Experiences Affect Teacher Effectiveness Roderick Theobald, American Institutes for Research
Networks and Deviance in the Prescription Drug Abuse Epidemic Marissa King, School of Management, Yale
Graphical Models for Discrete and Continuous Data Johannes Lederer, Statistics, University of Washington
Packaging data analytical work reproducibly using R (and friends) Ben Marwick, Archaeology, University of Washington
Interlocking directorates in Irish companies using bipartite networks: a latent space approach Adrian Raftery, Statistics, Sociology, University of Washington
Standard errors for exchangeable relational arrays Tyler McCormick, Statistics, Sociology, CSSS, University of Washington
Real-time Bayesian parameter estimation for item response models - with application to Internet ratings data Ruby Chiu-Hsing Weng, Statistics, National Chengchi University
Online social interactions: a lens on humans and a world for humans Chenhao Tan, Computer Science, University of Washington
Causal Inference without Control Units Adam Glynn, Political Science, Emory University
Scalable Bayesian Models of Interacting Time Series Emily B Fox, Statistics, University of Washington
Assortative Mixing in Activity-based Online Social Networks Zack Almquist, Department of Sociology and School of Statistics, University of Minnesota
Rethinking Data Science for the Social Sciences Panel: Urban Sociology Sarah Brayne, Department of Sociology, University of Texas at Austin
Rethinking Data Science for the Social Sciences Panel: Urban Sociology Karen Seto, School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale
Rethinking Data Science for the Social Sciences Panel: Urban Sociology Megan Comfort, RTI International
Neighborhood and Network Segregation Ott S. Toomet, The Information School, University of Washington
From Pixels to Points: Using Tracking Data to Measure Performance in Professional Sports Alexander Franks, Statistics
Happy Git and GitHub for the useR Jennifer Bryan, Statistics, University of British Columbia
Less is more? How demographic sample weights can improve public opinion estimates based on Twitter data Pablo Barbera, NYU Center for Data Science
PEAR: A Massively Parallel Evolutionary Computational Approach for Political Redistricting Optimization and Analysis Wendy Cho, Political Science, University of Illinois
Building The New York Times Fourth Down Bot Trey Causey, ChefSteps
A computational approach for interdisciplinary work and anticipatory policy-making: An exploration of social effect from climate change in the central Andes Jose Manuel Magallanes, eScience Institute
For Whom is the Treatment Effective? An Atheoretic Inductive Approach to Identifying Response Heterogeneity Mark C Long, Evans School of Public Policy and Governance, University of Washington
Discovering Hidden Structure in the Sparse Regime Sham Kakade, Dept of Statistics, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineerin
Long-Term Consequences of Consumption Seasonality Brian M Dillon, Evans School of Public Policy and Governance
Rethinking Data Science for the Social Sciences: Social Inequality and Health Panel: Rethinking Data
Subnational Estimates of the Global Gender Gap using Online Data Bogdan State, Sociology, Facebook
From Language to the Mind: Learning to Read Deception, Connotation and Literary Success Yejin Choi, Computer Science & Engineering, University of Washington
Geographic Variation in the Cumulative Risk of Maltreatment and Foster Care Placement Christopher Wildeman, Sociology, Cornell University
Visualization and Interactive Data Analysis Jeffrey Heer, Computer Science and Engineering, University of Washington
How Much Does Corruption Harm Economic Performance? Using One-Sided Conditional Relationships as Instrumental Variables for Causal Identification Justin Esarey, Political Science, Rice University
CSSS Course Preview CSSS Course Preview, University of Washington
Testing order-constrained hypotheses in social science research Joris Mulder, Methodology and Statistics, Tilburg University
Old and new methods for benchmarking efficiency of health facilities Abraham D. Flaxman, Global Health, University of Washington
Predicting Irregular Leadership Changes in 2015 Michael Ward, Political Science, Duke University
Measuring and Mapping Poverty and Wealth with Passively-Collected Mobile Phone Data Joshua Blumenstock, Information School, University of Washington
The Political Legacy of American Slavery Maya Sen, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
Online Bayesian Inference for Latent Ability Models Ruby Chui-Hsing Weng, Statistics, National Chengchi University
Improving Teacher Hiring: The Effect of Inter-Rater and Intra-Rater Reliability in the Screening Process Patricia Martinkova, Statistics, University of Washington
Scalable and Streaming Inference for Complex Bayesian Models Nicholas Foti, Statistics, University of Washington
Lifelogs: high resolution space-time data using GPS, accelerometry, travel diaries, and GIS for behavioral research Phil Hurvitz, Urban Design, University of Washington
Data Visualization at the New York Times Amanda Cox, New York Times
Panel studies and Granger causality in high dimensions Ali Shojaie, Biostatistics, University of Washington
Estimating patterns of international migration using (non-representative) social media data Emilio Zagheni, Sociology, University of Washington

The CSSS Seminar features local and visiting scholars presenting current research at the intersection of statistics and the social sciences.

Seminars are held on Wednesdays from 12:30-1:30 pm during an academic year. Seminars are available to anyone interested and are presented in a hybrid format.

To attend a seminar virtually, please register here.  An email with login information will be sent to you upon registration. 

To join in-person in Savery 409, please register here prior to attending. 

Graduate students pursuing a CSSS track may receive credit by enrolling in CS&SS 590.

Sign up for our mailing list below to hear announcements of upcoming seminar speakers. Questions? Contact CSSS (